"Now there's a Batman!"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

That was wrong!

So I'm on my way to SCC for class right. I'm stopped at a red light and I see this good lookin' white girl. She must have been in her late 20s or early 30s. She had her son with her. He was carrying a grocery bag. She was walkin' two small dogs. I take my eyes off of her for 10 seconds and I look in the rearview mirror and I see her talking. I turn around and she is being loud. She is saying something about her kid. I look over and I see this black girl standing in front of her. Apparently this bitch said something to the white girl. Then the black girl splashes the white girl with water from a water bottle. The white girl was obviously caught off guard for a moment. A white guy on a bike saw this and tried to stop the black girl from driving away. Too late. The black girl had already sped away in her reddish purple toyota. The white girl pulled out her mobile and called someone. I assume it was the po-leese. I was so stunned. Then the light turned green and I had to go.

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